What is Content Writing?

Emily Harris
Emily Harris
Head Writer & Editor at Inkless

What was the last purchase you made? Why?

Your answer probably falls into one of two categories: a routine purchase or one influenced by something you saw, read, or heard.

But what is it that compels us to buy? The products that call to us the most almost seem to know what we want. It’s like it was made just for me.

It’s the same thing that inspires us to follow someone on social media or binge-watch our favorite shows for hours. It’s quality content. 

Whether you realize it or not, content rules the world. In my experience, it’s sort of mind-boggling how much content writing permeates life once you’ve opened your mind to it.

Recognizing this opportunity may be the secret your business or organization needs to take its place on the map. Let’s take a closer look at why that is.



What is Content Writing, Exactly?


Content writing is just what it sounds like: writing content of all kinds. Most conversations about content writing are specific to writing for the web, but content can take any medium. 

What sets content writing apart, then, is its purpose. 

Content writing aims to present ideas and information clearly, accurately, and with intention. 

The best content writing will be engaging as much as it is helpful; it’s there not to advertise, necessarily, but to connect with readers. 

And when you learn how to add content writing to your wheelhouse, you access a new realm of opportunity for growth.

Content Writing Skills & Essentials


The internet is filled with content, most of which never meets a reader’s eye. 

The fluid, expanding nature of the online world means that content writers need to have what it takes to think outside the box and add to the conversation.

The best content comes when powerful messages are combined with top-notch writing skills. 

A professional content writer should be able to demonstrate abilities like:

  • SEO and keyword optimization
  • Research
  • Analysis
  • Strong writing and grammatical skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Impeccable organizational skills
  • Creativity
  • Problem-solving     


Common Types of Content Writing


One of the most exciting things about content writing is its ability to take a myriad of forms. 

Anything that’s written and distributed can fall under the umbrella of “content writing,” including examples like: 

  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Emails or newsletters
  • Social media posts
  • White papers
  • Website content
  • Podcasts
  • Scripts


How Content Marketing Drives Results


The point of marketing is to gain exposure and put your product or services in the minds of potential customers. 

In a world run by artificial intelligence, online communication, and e-commerce, optimizing a marketing strategy without going digital is impossible. 

Of course, digital content isn’t the only type that matters – but it is an opportune way to distinguish yourself from competitors. 

Of the small percentage of businesses with websites, social media, etc., an even tinier fraction have high-quality content that establishes them as an online resource.

If you have an online presence, you’re already ahead of the game. Content writing is the piece de resistance that will get you over the finish line.

Reaching a Target Audience


Recent figures suggest that B2B writing and companies generate 2x more revenue from organic searches than any other marketing channel. 

Speaking directly to those who might actually buy your product helps you narrow your resources to the opportunities most likely to deliver a return on investment.

Say you’re a cosmetics company looking to market new beauty products. Your target audience will likely match your niche – selling lipstick to babies, for instance, wastes time and money. 

You might already know who your target is, but deciding how to reach them is less obvious. 

You could decide to advertise on websites the target frequents with paid ads. But your message will be limited to just that: an advertisement. 

It may generate some leads, but you’ve created multiple conditions that must be true for your marketing to succeed. 

Now consider writing content about your product and niche. If selling lipstick is your goal, you might decide to write a series of blog posts educating audiences about how to apply lipstick, understand its ingredients, etc. 

Now, when potential consumers are already looking to find products and information – i.e., when they head to Google to search for something – you’ve created a space for them to migrate to. 

Maybe they’re not there with the explicit intention of buying lipstick, but your high-quality content leaves an impact. 

Learned something new and eager to try it out? Why not purchase lipstick right here? 

Feel so informed you decided to share the post with others? Even better. 

Reaching target audiences via organic searches is a great way to fill the void that a consumer already experiences and stop spending money on ad campaigns that just don’t work.


Building Authority


High-quality content shows that your business knows what it’s talking about. 

Which brand are you more likely to buy from: one that’s demonstrated its commitment to safety by providing tons of consumer information or one that hides behind fancy one-liners?

It’s also a chance to establish yourself as an industry leader. Whenever someone searches for your niche, your name is in the ring. 

That means that users can grow to recognize your brand and trust it – after all, it wouldn’t show up on Google if it wasn’t legitimate. 

The more others in your niche link to your content and give it a platform, the further your reach spreads, all without an additional dime on your part.


Creating Trust


Not only does content writing help you establish authority, but it also shows readers that your brand is one to trust. 

When you demonstrate a genuine interest in educating and connecting with consumers, you send a clear message: our mission isn’t just to “sell” to you; it’s to help you. 

And there’s no better way to help your target audiences feel ready to take the leap and engage with your services than showing you’ve done your homework. 


Copywriting vs. Content Writing: Clearing the Water


A common misconception is that content writing and copywriting are synonymous. 

The source of confusion here is the occasional overlap between the two: content writing sometimes involves creating copy, but only sometimes. Regardless, both types of writing are distinct, with different goals and methods. 

Copywriting is, by nature, commercial. Its goal is to directly promote a product. Think brand slogans, product descriptions, and the text written on a product’s packaging. 

Content writing, on the other hand, is not necessarily about marketing. It can be used in this context, but not without sacrificing its primary goal: to inform and be useful. 

Of course, content can be useful by selling products, but entering with this goal in mind won’t set you up for success. 

Strive to write digestible, fleshed-out content, not punchy, flourished posts that essentially serve as one big advertisement. 



Our Top Content Writing Tips and Tricks


At Inkless, we have years of experience planning, creating, and refining content writing from various niches. Below are some of the top tips we’ve learned through hundreds of client projects.

1. Create genuinely engaging content.


Create material that people will actually click on and read through. That’s where you can direct traffic to other pages (such as a service page or shop) and score leads. 

Your reader shouldn’t be scrolling through just to get to the point, though – they should continue reading because you’ve truly given them something worthwhile. 

Remember, the goal is not to advertise but to inform so you don’t have to.

2. Diversify your content writing strategy.


Attack from all angles. Your content can flow into itself and bounce the same people around multiple channels where they can interact with your business. 

Your social media can drive traffic to your website, which can drive traffic to your service pages, and so on. 

Plus, utilizing more channels grants you access to more people from diverse backgrounds.

3. Get to know your audience and purpose.


Get to know your reader as well as you know yourself. Know their needs, goals, worries, and likes so that you can craft your content accordingly.

Even minute details like vocabulary choices and organization can make or break how you connect with your target. Trying to reach busy single parents? Probably not the best time to craft something nuanced and academic. 

4. Don’t compromise on quality.


High-quality content is evergreen; it doesn’t lose its value. 

Putting cheap, low-brow content on your site may get you some clicks, but it won’t create an image of your brand that fits what you’re after. And it’ll likely be the same as throwing money down the garbage disposal. 

After meaning and relevance, quality is the top thing Google looks for when ranking articles. 

Prioritize quality over keywords, optimization, or trying to beat a certain competitor for results that will speak for themselves. 

5. Tell a story with your services as the solution.


No one likes to feel like they’re being advertised to. Ensure your services are a natural part of your content, not its entire purpose. 

For example, if you offer pest control services, consider informing readers about different pests and how they can threaten homes. 

As you transition into solutions, it’s a great time to show readers why your services matter. 


Transform Your Online Presence with Content Writing


Content writing is a staple of any digital marketing strategy, but it’s also much more. 

It’s a medium through which businesses and individuals can connect with each other. 

And because it informs the way so many people think and behave, it comes with great responsibility. The content writers of today shape the world of tomorrow. 

Inkless understands this reality and embraces it head-on.

It may seem like anyone can write, and that’s technically true – but not everyone can write content that’s worth its weight.

We know what it’s like to create content that shines because we do it every day. 

Our content ranks well and generates game-changing lead numbers for our clients, helping them grow and form a brand that will stand the test of time.

Your goals are our mission. We never miss a deadline and customize our services to fit you. When you work with our writers, you work with a team that works tirelessly to stay ahead and think outside the box.

To see the Inkless difference for yourself, start a conversation today via our website, LinkedIn, or by contacting info@inklessagency.com.