How to Write Evergreen Content: 10 Tips for Success

Emily Harris
Emily Harris
Head Writer & Editor at Inkless

As writers, we have much to learn from the tall, dependable evergreen tree. It’s sturdy, strong, and both shapes and grows from its surroundings. 

It stands as a reminder of a time that’s passed, but also as a hopeful look toward the future. 

While our world may change, the universe itself can be incredibly slow-moving. 

Sometimes, to find the best ways to make ourselves known, the best thing we can do is slow down and find ways to tap into it. 



That’s what writing evergreen content is all about. 

Content that sticks around and grows with time is hard to come by, but it can be cultivated with the right approach.


How to Write the Best Evergreen Content
  1. Know Your Audience
  2. Write for People
  3. Choose Appropriate Topics and Keywords
  4. Do Your Research
  5. Communicate Clearly
  6. Avoid Time-Specific Writing
  7. Make it Interactive
  8. Edit and Refine
  9. Stand Out from the Crowd
  10. Think Like a Reader

What is Evergreen Content? Why Does it Matter?


Like the spindly needles of a tree, evergreen content has no timeline. It thrives under any conditions, soldiering through change without losing its vibrance or character.

Evergreen content, put simply, is content that is relevant and stays relevant

It tends to rank better in search results over time instead of losing value. This is true even as search algorithms and online trend patterns change. 

Once you’ve put evergreen content into the world, it’s there to stay. It can be tweaked, trimmed, and pruned, but its body stands strong and tall for years to come.

As a result, evergreen content creates visibility that only increases with time. It helps you genuinely connect with your readers and build credibility that will take you far. 

When you invest your time and resources into a project, you want its benefits to stick around – evergreen content is what you’re looking for. 

How to Create Unique Evergreen Content


To sow the seeds for content that can last a lifetime, you’ll need a few tools under your belt. Your goal should be to not just create content that ranks well but adds true value to the conversation or, better yet, leads it. 

1. Know Your Audience


Understand who your audience is, what they’re looking for, and how your content will fill in the gaps. 

Say you’d like to create a series of articles for new parents offering advice, tips, and product recommendations. This is a great time to push your product or services, but it’s also an opportune moment to form a connection.

In this case, it’s key to offer empathy in your pieces. Keep things short, understandable, and kind. 

Consider potential problems or follow-up questions before they come up to add depth to your content. Don’t write as if you’re writing for anyone because readers can tell. You want to make people who find your content feel heard, valued, and understood, not like they’re being used. 

2. Write for People, Not Search Engines


The real secret to writing evergreen content isn’t any SEO trick. It’s creating content that keeps people on the page. 

To be clear, they shouldn’t be sticking around because the content is overly long or packed with keywords. 

Their interest should be piqued and maintained because the writing is interesting, readable, and answers their questions.

You shouldn’t have to bury your answers in mounds of text to keep people engaged. No amount of keywords, links, or graphics will account for writing that’s there to play second fiddle. 

It may seem paradoxical, but most writing content that does well long-term boils down to writing for people rather than search engines or clicks. Do the former, and the latter will follow. 

3. Choose Topics and Keywords Wisely


Our intention is not to bash the value of search engine optimization (SEO). 

You do need to optimize your content so that search engines can find it and offer it to readers as an option. 

But it helps to shape your SEO around your purpose, not vice versa. 

Find topics people want to read about, especially if there’s a gap in your niche. Choose keywords that relate to the topic and match the questions readers are asking. 

4. Do Your Research


Search engines and readers alike favor writing that is credible and well-researched. 

Take the time to delve into the topic you’re writing about, and only trust the most reliable sources as you do. Recognize your power is limited by your ability to help readers trust you. 

Show them you’re worth listening to by going above and beyond as you gather information.


5. Communicate Clearly


Don’t beat around the bush if you want your content to pass the test of time. Offer helpful information in a way that’s fun to read and doesn’t rely on filler. 

If only a small percentage of your content gets to the point, you have more weight sinking you than anything else.

6. Avoid Time-Specific Writing


Choose your content carefully to avoid limiting its reach. Any content focused on a particular year (i.e., “Top AI Tools of 2023”) has an inherent expiration date. 

If you choose to discuss timely topics or events, consider how to ensure this information will continue to be useful later on.

7. Make it Interactive


Give readers a reason to return to your content in the future by making it interactive. This also allows you to share messages through various formats, thus reaching more people who learn in different ways. 

You can incorporate elements like the following to keep things engaging:

  • Tables
  • Charts
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Polls or quizzes

8. Invest in Quality Control


Polish your content by editing and refining it regularly. 

Look for basic errors in grammar and spelling, but also keep an eye out for things you missed talking about or could improve on. 

Think of it as maintaining your evergreen tree; without care, it can certainly stick around, but it will lose its shape and vitality over time.


9. Don’t Be Afraid to Stand Out


The urge to do what everyone else is doing, especially those who are succeeding, is strong. Don’t do it. 

Instead, include what’s already happening in the conversation and one-up it. 

Ask new questions. Find new resources. Approach the topic from a different angle, and think outside the box. 

10. Think Like a Reader


What would you want to see if you searched for this content? What would you like to read? Put yourself in a reader’s headspace to see your content more objectively and find unique ways to spice things up. 

Final Thoughts


Writing evergreen content isn’t always easy, but it sure is worth it. It’s a labor of love that will pay off in the long run and push you to boost your skills in the process.

At Inkless, we strive to create evergreen content for every project we work on. Our mission is to connect with our readers and build credibility that allows us to answer questions together.

We never miss a deadline and tailor our services to fit your goals with taste and an impeccable eye for detail. 

To bring your content to life, contact us today via LinkedIn, our website, or